Thursday, February 17, 2011

W.A.F.D. DiscussionPost #3

Welcome all readers of "We All Fall Down" by Eric Walters( Kelly,Will, Aaron,Zuhair and Jatinder) Well here is my question for you all to wonder and answer. What do you think would have happened if Will and his father had just not bothered to get everyone out of the world trade centre building and just had gone back to work like everything was normal? Explain your thinking.


  1. Well, I think that some people might have been injured if it wasn't for Will and his dad. I think this because, what happens if something happened to the building they were in? Those people that were still in the building could have been hurt. I also think it was a pretty brave thing of Will to still stick with his father even know he could of went with his dad’s friend out of the building, and considering the fact Will felt un-safe being in the building AND Will is afraid of heights.
    But he still went with his father.

  2. Well I think that Will and his father did a good thing trying to get everyone out of the building by like if the building was on fire than he would consider helping everyone else rather than himself. It's a good thing that he got people out of the building because what if the other building had fallen on the other trade centre building? He was there to help and make sure that didn't happen.

  3. Yes kelly i agree that if it wasn't for Will's father everything would be random and everyone would be lost.If something were to happen in the building that they were in than it would be calm with the fact that Will's father is around to keep order and keep everyone calm and good.

  4. Well I also predict that something will go wronge for the building that Will and his dad are in. I just have this feeling that it's not going to be such a great thing. but I could be wronge but this is what I would imagine what would happen. would you agree or disagree with my statement? explain.

  5. Well Brandon, I think I agree with you on that one. I mean most of us know the story of the two twin towers and what happened. When it was all over the news in reality. So I just really have a feeling that something will happen to the second building that they're in. I also wonder if anyone in that building will get hurt or possibly even die. I'm really looking forward to the next chapters.

  6. What I think would have happend is they all would have burned or got suveirly hurt like broken necks and bones and maybe they would even just die because they all will be traped because what Will's dad thinks is him and will are above the fire so Will's dad thinks they are lucky they got the other people out before so they can live a happy life by they I meen the other people can live a happy life and I think Wills dad gets satifactory because of that.The otehr thing I think would have happend to them is if they were on the floor where the plane hit..all off them would have died cause its a commercial plane crashing into a building.But it was really good that Wills dad was there because he kept every one in order and calm

  7. Well i would figure that people would die from that horrible day. But im really wondering if the main characters are going to get injured or have that possiblity of dying. Are you wondering if that's the case, is that what you want to know kelly?

  8. Ya i aggree with brandon becasuie it makes alot of sence that people would die form that horrific accident.

  9. Yes Brandon, that's what I want to know. I mean it would be pretty sad if one of them did die. I'm kind of hoping that they will all get out safe, like at least the main characters.

  10. Well it wasn't an accident. It was an act of terrorism. It was ment to happen by the terrorists. But your right it was the worst day in American history. Well that's what I think.

  11. Yeah same here and im my post before I ment act of terrorism but i typed accident

  12. Well i would also hope that the main characters are making it out safe and sound. But even if they make it out they will have the horrible memory of what had happen. just with what Will saw when the two workers jumped out of the window holding hands.

  13. Once you have finished reading section 3, it says that once the first plane had hit south of the tower right beside them, a second one hit.
    I would have hoped that they made it out safe and sound right when the first plane had hit but since they had stalled for a bit, now they are in jepordy but still have time to get out.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. well not to be rude i think they would all die because we had eric walters came into our class room the one thing our teacher said to our class is he only dose story in real life. So i think another plane will crash into the world trade building and take to the gound with fire everywere because of the jet fuel.
    the end. but even if they had still work i think will would find a way to get out of the building with every one.

  16. Well I do know what happens because I researched and looked at a lot of things about 9-11 and I love how the book shows the voice of the people and how they are re-acting towards what is happening to them and what's going on around them.
